This is a year-long CTE introductory film course in which students are provided a foundation in film history, genres and key innovative film makers. Students are also given the elements for creating meaningful film reviews, reflections, evaluations, critiques, analyses, as well as participate in specific projects which will operate as collaborative student group projects. Individual design projects or individual screenwriting projects, will also be incorporated. Students will study and use basic film language, the three basic components of film production and visual storytelling. Integrated throughout the course are basic academic note taking and writing skills, communication through a variety of assignments, collaborative skills, problem solving, introductory technical skills and audience etiquette. At the culmination of this course students will begin to entertain thoughts on career paths in the film industry. In order to illustrate specific genres, historically significant films and filmmakers or topics for discussion and study, some films are used that may cover controversial issues or are within a restricted category. Therefore, the student will be required to turn in a permission slip by the end of the first week, signed by a parent or guardian, in order to remain in this class.

Period 1 - lhhsl4s
Period 2 - ovpj2vi
Period 4 - jhlz7zn